the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz

Paul Wolfowitz has been recently nominated for head of the World Bank. The Japaneese and Americans have the largest number of shares in the world bank, and both back the man for the job, so it is his. Hook, line, and sinker.
Wolfowitz is the leading force behind the current neo-conservative American administration. The war in Iraq, Afganistan, and pending war in Iran. In order to better understand their mind set I reccomend that you read their manifesto here.

From an article in the economist "A related worry is that Mr Wolfowitz will not be able to separate himself from the White House. It is perhaps instructive to look at the history of another man who came out of America’s defence department to head the World Bank: Robert McNamara, who as defence secretary was an architect of the Vietnam war. Mr McNamara was accused of picking aid recipients based on their support for America’s foreign policy, rather than their suitability for assistance."

If you don't know who Robert McNamara is, I highly reccomend that you rent the film "fog of war".

Good reads on Wolfowitz:This one is a must, and then from the Gurdian, from the New York Times,

bla bla bla, the world is fuckedddd

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