the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Monday, March 14, 2005

as the world turns

The people of Lebanon come out in the hundred of thousands for a pro Nationalist, anti-Syrian protest. An estimated 800,000 came out, making it the largest protest in the country's history.
I've been trying to find the numbers for the pro-Syrian protest, but have yet to been able to find them.
Again, far too little, but another lame ass political gesture.
A brilliant piece that we should all read by Matt Good.
If you believe in god, start praying for the people of Taiwan.
Another fine example that the American government is in the pocket of large corporations. If you can explain to me, who the fuck this benefits (other then the obvious) you can have my credit card. mmmm fuck the middle class just a little harder.

There is a province wide strike in Quebec protesting tuition hike, and cuts to provincial loans and bursaries. There really should be a nation wide strike against the Liberal governments decision to do fuck all for education in their recent budget. But when you have the party of the rich as the official opposition, and a government that doesn't want to loose its job, it's no longer an issue.
Once again if you are Conservative and hate the Liberals, just remember you're just as bad.... You'd be worst if you were given the chance.
words on the budget

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