Race for the American Presidental E_ection. and something for the writers strike
its pretty fucking sad how caught up I get in the race for the American Presidency every 4 years. I read intensely on possible candidates and endlessly dick around on political blogs and websites. I don't watch the debates, but rather watch clips that someone else has edited for me (because really no sane person should invest that much time into pointless shit) anyhow i find it incredibly entertaining for one reason or another.
Yet every time its the same sad, painfully predictable sad ending, no matter how exciting the build up is. It must be similar to what it is like for a lot of women in bed. "Hmm this looks interesting, hmm ya it is kinda interesting, oh really thats whats going to happen, ooh I didnt expect that, oh my god whats going to happen next, fuck are you serious, oh my god this is amazing, oh jesus is this really going to happen, oh my god we've almost got it....."
and then next: silence, confusion, and excuses.
"fuck it i forfeit" or better yet "my dads buddies that are supreme said it was good enough." What you aren't satisfied with the results?
Try that one next time you are in bed with your lady friend and see how that goes over?
fuck i guess i never really saw it as forfeiting, just a lack of will or desire. Nobody likes a quitter.
AND for the Writers Strike, this one is fairly funny. What writers should do in order to gain greater support from the public. FUCKING WRITE SOMETHING!! oh they figured it out, sweet.