crazy conservatives
Is it just me, or why is it that anytime any sort of left wing thoughts are shown in main stream media, the right goes fucking ape shit? Doesn't it seem odd that they get so defencsive and start lashing out? It reminds me of the behaviour of men that have been acused of cheating by there girlfriends or wives. Rather then calmly discussing why the person might feel that way, they fucking flip out and start calling names and saying things like "i can't believe you would say that!! That's such a lie!! Where do you get the nerve". When in all actuality, the person has been fucking around for months, and is scared shitless they are about to get caught.
You figure most people have a pretty good understanding of human behaviour, and would be able to see through this thin veil of lies. Then again some people just choose to ignore it, because it's easier then facing reality.
I'm not one for getting fucked around by my significant other, or anyone for that matter. It smells like shit, and I'm pretty sure where it's comming from... the right.
watch some of the insane, stupidity in action here