the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

apparently somepeople don't realise my msn leads to this website

Apparently when my name on msn is
people don't think its a website.... well it is. I'm not sure what you thought it was, but now you have found it.

The last entry seemed a little negative, and dark. I don't want people getting the wrong impression, so here is some kind of soft, puppy dog like, feelings, gay things, flowers, pretty smells, jesus loves the little children, virgins, snow white turtle doves.....
you get the idea.... creation of mine.

now you to can hear what its like sitting in a room with me alone while i stroke my bitch (guitar).
its just as random and unedited as everything else on my blog. Actually thats a lie, its broken into two parts, one and two.
And for real musical pleasure here are two songs from my friend Andrew Forsythe. He's too much of a pussy to sing, but I guess his musical genius makes up for it.

and yes I find blogs entertaining... maybe you should make one aswell? Don't be shy... It feels good to create something. When was the last time you made something? The least you can do is get some good use out of the webcam or digital camera your parents bought you and put pictures of yourself naked on it. Wouldnt daddy be proud!

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