the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

cinnamon buns are good

Haven't been blogging or writing anything lately... Haven't been able to bring myself to give a shit about it. I guess I have been slightly depressed lately most likely caused by not eating properly, drinking too much alcohol, coffee, and smoking too heavily. maybe im just sick of the fucknig winter... but i'm fine now.

So back on track. First things first... Syria and Iran don't look too pleased with America. So if America does decide to invade Iran, they are going to have to take down Syria aswell. Just in case none of you have looked at a map of the middle east lately. Starting from left to right you have: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan. 2 down, 2 to go.

PBS has got another one of its TV shows available for streaming, this one titled Rumsfeld's War. I haven't watched it yet, but I'm sure it will be interesting. This I didn't know until recently. Apparently Cheney was the one who convinced George Bush of having Rumsfeld join the administration. Cheney was also Rumsfeld's personal assitant during the Nixion administration.

and a brief article about American Imperalism.
The Pentagon's budget this year is $419.3 billion dollars. That is over a billion dollars a day. THe Soviet Union's economy collapsed because of the arms race... aka too much military spending.

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