the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

the crtc replies

the fucks at the CRTC gave me a response.
If the case is that al-jazeera does broadcast "a pattern of statements over a period of time that are of great concern", one must wonder why they were granted a license from the CRTC in the first place? I sent them another email asking them to describe any of these patters, so far no response.
Thank you for contacting the CRTC.

When considering the addition of a foreign signal to the lists of satellite
services eligible for distribution in Canada, one of the factors taken into
account is a broadcaster's record, especially if there exists a compelling
record demonstrating why the application should either be denied or
alternatively, approved with special conditions. For example, in the case of Al
Jazeera, the Commission was presented with detailed interventions indicating a
pattern of statements broadcast on Al Jazeera over a period of time that were of
great concern, in light of Canada's long-standing regulations that prohibit the
broadcast of abusive comment. As a consequence, the service was authorized for
carriage under very specific conditions. (See Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC
2004-51 for full details.)

While the Commission appreciates your concerns on this matter, it should be
noted that under the Broadcasting Act, decisions of the Commission are final and
conclusive. This means that the CRTC cannot review its decisions. Therefore, it
would not be appropriate for me to comment further on the merits of this
particular case.


Mireille Albert "

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