Jesus Christ!
Recently I seem to have stirred up a bit of a shit storm amongst my friends because of the recent modification of my religious views on facebook. Right now it says "I love Jesus and all the fucking idiots that think he actually existed. Merry Christmas to all!". I thought this was a polite way of saying that Jesus is not a real historical figure, but I love him, and his followers.
I thought this was a very Christ like thing to say. Be strong in your convictions but love those who are against you. For years I have been fascinated by organized religon, and in particular jesus christ and christianity. I assume it has something to do with going to pre-school in a church, and then walking by several churches several times a day, every day of my life. That and generally living in a Christianity based society. Anyhow between Smashing Pumpkin lyrics, the 3rd Indiana Jones movie, and my obsession with King Arthur as a child, I thought it would be a good idea to be well versed in the scripture.
Thanks to the uneccesairly large religous section at my public library, and to the kind people at the Christian book club (great source of free jesus books) one's ability to research the subject is quite easy.
As a young skeptic, I quickly came to the realization that the story of Jesus appeared to have a lot in common with other mythological lore. Anyone who has read the Epic of Gilgamesh, or read about Greek Mythology, Norse Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Buddhism, etc..... will quickly realise that their are obvious parallels in all of these stories. (many are listed in the link of this post)
My grade 11 World Religions teacher (Mr Skiliter, the most well read, sweet jewish man I have ever known) also helped clarify the meaning and use of numbers within religious text and what they come to represent. This knowledge is very important if you want to make sense of the metaphors or allegory within Dante's trilogy. (very good read, I would love to turn those into an epic mini-series with great special effects and music)
Anyhow I always was of the belief that Christ had actually existed, but that he most likely was just some guy with a following who was never capable of producing miracles
This is until recently when I began to understand all of these mythological story similarities in the context of stars.
If you have ever studied any of the ancient pyramids in Egypt, or of the Aztecs, or any of the other sun worshiping groups, you will know that man has been obsessed with our alignment with the stars and the universe. Fuck people still do it today with their daily horoscopes. ("Oh My God, thank Jesus you arent a scorpio, other wise we would not get along!")
Anyhow those Horoscopes are much more enlightening then one might give them credit for. Rrather then do a poor job of trying to re-explain all of this, and rather then have you research these things yourself, there is a movie that does a fairly good job of telling this story. Anyhow you can watch it here (skip ahead to 10 minutes in, because the intro is pretty fucking stupid, and then end it around 33 minutes. 33 minutes!! Maybe Jesus is trying to tell me something! HE DOES EXIST! IGNORE ALL OF THIS.YAAA!) If you think that any of the claims made by this film (only in reference to the time period stated above as the rest of the film i can not defend in any way, shape, or form.) is inaccurate, then please post comments. Discussion is greatly appreciated.
On that note, I will change my facebook religious views to something less offensive.