oh i love montreal
Back in Montreal, and thankfull as hell to be home. How I love this city. mmmm it is so sweet.
Apparently our phone has been disconnected due to "not paying the bill". Fuck bell is what I say. But apparently our high speed internet connection still works. I personally don't need a phone. I have msn messenger, and a wireless internet connection that seems to work anywhere in this city.
Found this great website via Mblog, it is titled "american's are dumb", and everyday lists 3 reasons to why America is dumb. Pure genius.
Watched the Oscars, and I Chris Rock is a funny mother fucker. Everyone else their was pretty fucking lame. Was happy to see The Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind won best original screenplay.
Anyhow I have downloaded all of the Oscar films. I will let you know if any of them don't suck.