the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Another reason why Sweeden is far more socially advanced then the rest of the world.

Apparently Beck will be on the O.C. tonight, but rather who gives a fuck cause during this episode will be the TRAILER to the new STAR WARS movie. OHhh fuck ya. Lets all hope the 3rd episode makes up for the shittyness of 1 and 2.

Here is a great website where you can download footage of Che Guevara.

1,500 American soldiers have been offically killed since the occupation of Iraq. With 1,362 deaths comming after the "end of all major combat operations in Iraq".
You may be asking, "How many Iraqi's have died?". The Pentagon refuses to keep track of this, as General Tommy Franks, US Central Command's motto is "We don't do bodycounts". Reports vary from 18,500 to 190,000.

Another reason why Vermont should be part of Canada.
Will the insane neo-cons get their wish and attack Iran??? It seems far too likely.

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