the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Fucking essay and exam time sucks

Hello fuckers, taking some time to post a blog. First off if you are up for a laugh, go to ohh its soo good.

How great would a United provinces and States of America be! The home of the Liberal, Peaceful, Intellectual, Artistic, good hearted, hard working, good looking, healthy, marijuana smoking and generally fucking fabulous people.
Let the red states have their own Nation. Let them give birth to NASCAR nation. Home of the tornado belt, the inbred, the illiterate, the god fearing, slave owning, farm animal fucking, gun toting, general purpose assholes. Who needs em! Sure we loose domestically grown orange juice, but we also get rid of a shitty swampy state that periodically gets wiped out by hurricanes.

I bet you in no time, rather then complaining about this portion of North America, they'd be praising and begging to join. After all I've always wanted to share a border with Mexico.

but alas no, we can't turn our back on our fellow man. That isn't the Liberal way. We must try and help these poor misguided fools instead.

Is the juice worth the squeeze? no it's not. I say the fuckers get one more chance. Expiration date Nov 2. 2008.
And now for a perspective on the Iraqi war.

And if anyone remember me talking about Mr. Chavez in Venezula a year or so ago. New developments! The obvious is now offical. Oh CIA, up to your old tricks.

For those of us unaware of what America has had its dirty fingers in, in Latin America. READ THIS.

Exam time sucks, and happy thanksgiving to all of America. Be thankful for..... not being in Iraq.

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