the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

fuck you groundhogs

2 out 3 groundhogs say we are going to have a long winter. fuck you winter. How did this traidtion start?
I have a cold or something and feel like shit on a stick... thankfully my wonderful critical reading prof said I can write my test next week. Yaaaa.
Nobody is visiting my site lately so in an attempt to get more visitors.....

I wonder if that will have any effect.

and to all of you people that are opposed to same sex marriages... you are all terribly narrow minded, self-righteous, misguided morons. Not a single one of you are in any position of moral authority. Take your relgious tradition and stick it up your ass. The sanctity of marriage is a bull shit lie, and you're the only people swallowing. Why don't you create a law that makes infidelity a punishable criminal offence.... Your mind set is on the same lines as those who were against woman having the right to vote. You sad homophobic fucks, go back to the stoneage and die.

ok that is a little harsh. All I can say is that if you think that two men or woman shouldnt be allowed to get married, then you have never been in love before. As anyone who has ever experinced the happiness and joy of a loving relationship would never want anyone not to feel that same way, or deny their ability to express those feelings through the public display of marriage. And why the fuck is Carrolin Parrish claiming to vote against same sex marriage... that chick must really be fucking crazy.

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