the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

ya fucking technology

Fucking finally, this is the coolest damn thing to ever happen in the film industry.
A film festival using P2P networking (Kazaa, Limewire, etcc...). This makes it so DVD quality films can be distributed to everyone and anyone at ZERO cost.
It sounds like their are some cool movies to download, so check it out.

I always wanted to use P2P networking as a new alternative media. Fuck network TV, just have production companies, that create, purchase and market content, and then use the internet as a distribution channel, this would cut costs to slim to fuck all, but most importantly, the Internet can not be regulated, no matter how hard any government tries. SO NO CENCORSHIP... boo yaaa.

The internet is gods gift to free speech.

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