the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Monday, February 07, 2005

well i haven't posted anything lately due to all of the problems I have been having with my computer. Either the battery or power supply is fucked on it, and its annoying as hell.

Not having a computer for a few days has pointed out two things to me: first off, I spend way too much time on the bloody computer and that without one I have no idea what is going on in the world around me. Secondly i either need to stop blogging or actually put the effort into creating a better website. knowing my lack of ambition or drive to do anything, this website will be completly forgotten about by the end of the week.

I don't know what to write about anymore...

I saw the movie Halos and Horns. This movie is a documentry about the book "Forunate Son" by a J. Hatfield. The book recieved alot of press around the time George was running against McCain for Republican Presidental Candidate. This book was the first to bring up claims of Georges coke abuse in the 70's. The film goes through the difficulties of publishing the book, the sketchy past of the author, and so forth... What really makes the film interesting is you get to see what kind of effect all of critisim, and character assasination, that the author recieves takes on him. This combind with the 3 strikes and your in jail for life law leads to his eventual suicide.

I worked out in front of a wall mart in a small town outside of montreal on saturday promoting playstation 2 videogames. It was an easy job, but a fairly depressing experince.
Don't shop at Wal-Marts, don't eat at McDonalds, and for the love of god stop playing so many fucking videogames.

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