the least worst of james windsor

because we all like avoiding what we really should be doing.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

oh quebec and oh fuck exams

Never got around to blogging about what I intended to, and now that exams are here, I may never.
Anyhow I wish everyone good luck on their exams, and also a merry christmas.
OK here we go:
- The Bush protest was quite the experince. It was the first time I had ever been to a protest and known what was actually being protested. There were a fuck load of people there, and by fuck load roughly 15 to 20 THOUSAND people, on an interesting side note rush limbaugh (spelling) and a few other republican retards were reporting to thier audiences that there were only 185 protesters and that Canadians really have no problem with George Bush.
- I would like to thank the Quebec Liberals for allready stating that they are opposed to the misille plan in Canada. Though they could be doing this to save their own political carrers, we will give them the benefit of the doubt.
- And though america doesn't provide humanity with much hope, Latin America is trying to do its part.
- Naomi Klein I still love you despite never finishing "NO LOGO".

I should be studying, or at least killing Iraqi insurgents. Both seem pretty futile at this point. IMFUCKED4EXAMS!!!

- and i've recently recorded some music for my annual "singing for my mother" christmas CD. Some of the b-sides will be ready for download soon....

This post wasn't very exciting, nor interesting...... untill I ADDED THIS!

These are propoganda leaflets that the American military was dropping over Iraq, at some point in time. This one is my favorite so far They can see EVERYTHING!!! AHHHHHH

Also on centcom's casualty list you will notice that names are always being withheld and everything is under investigation. I'm waiting for an email response for them to explain why this is. There also seems to be a large quantity of injured mixed in with the KIA, so it makes me wonder what type of condition these people are in.

TRANSNATIONAL BRODCASTING STUDIES - And last an interesting website that seasonally puts out a report about journalism, media, and all that jazz in the american, arab and islamic parts of the world.


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